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Thursday, September 17, 2009



We’ve been working on getting a learning center in town ready for quite awhile now. There is still work to be done on the place but we decided to run a summer English program for the past two months to test it out. The summer interns, Tim Van Hal and Christine Law, joined forces with the staff and kids from the Kracheh Children’s Center to teach three different levels of English. We limited the number of students to only 30 but we had so many students asking to learn that we had a couple of the older kids from the Children’s Center teach a class all on their own.
Kids had fun learning, relationships were built and we have people calling us all the time asking when the next sign up is for more classes. At this point we’re hoping to continue in October when the kids are back in school although it will be more of a challenge with fewer people around to teach. We are also getting requests to learn computer which we hope to teach in the near future. We’ve been working on creating a computer lab but currently only have enough to teach the kids that we already have at the Center.
Summer Kids Camp


For the past four weeks the mornings at the Children’s Center have been filled with summer camp fun for sixth grade and down. Children from the village came and joined the kids at the Center to learn, sing songs, play games and do arts and crafts. Over 80 kids attended. Some of the older ones had the opportunity to be leaders and they all got to practice working together. Everyone had fun and hopefully learned something in the process.


The Children’s Center continues to expand with the addition of another boys house. All of the boys at the Center have been crowded into one house and it is pretty tight sleeping and living quarters. The new house will give everyone a bit more space as well as make room for more students. A construction team has been working hard all summer and the house is going up quickly.